Nutrients fit for a queen

Posted by Health2000 Limited on

Human anatomy is incredibly complex! While there are many similarities between women's and men's bodies, there are certain female functions which depend on the right nutrients to help ladies feel and move at their best. Let’s look at nutrients which are particularly pivotal for women’s health.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid are naturally-occurring substances found in your body. Through age, your collagen production slows and your elastin fibres break, thicken, and lose their elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is needed to bind collagen for skin elasticity and repairing cell growth. It attracts water to your skin and minimises the appearance of wrinkles.

Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is an omega 6 fatty acid that’s essential for metabolism and brain, skeletal and reproductive health. It also supports skin and hair health. It’s commonly found in evening primrose oil. D-Mannose is the active ingredient found in cranberries. It helps prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of your bladder, allowing them to be flushed away.

Vitex agnus castus (chaste berry) is a herb which helps to supports normal menstrual cycles and provides support for PMS through supporting a normal balance of oestrogen and progesterone. It supports relaxation of muscle tension, low mood, tenderness, bloating and fluid balance.

The Lighthouse range contains quality women's health products containing the above ingredients, especially formulated to support health needs particular to women.

1 Lighthouse Collagen Support with Hyaluronic Acid combines New Zealand marine collagen with hyaluronic acid to support skin elasticity and health, strong nails and nail beds, thick hair.

2 Lighthouse Evening Primrose Oil 1000 is often recommended for women with skin issues, breast tenderness, menstrual tension, hormone-related mood swings, and symptoms of menopause.

3 Lighthouse Cranberry and D-Mannose contains extra D-Mannose to help prevent bacteria adhering to the bladder wall and supports urinary tract health. 

4 Lighthouse Vitex Agnus Castus 1000 supports a healthy menstrual cycle and menstrual comfort. It is helpful in times of low mood, nervous tension, discomfort and irritability associated with PMS.

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